Decolonial Marxism
17 maart @ 20:00 - 22:00

From Anton de Kom to Tan Malaka, from the LOSON to the Partai Komunis Indonesia, across the Global South, communists have risen up against 20th-century colonialism. Adapting the lessons of Marxist political thought to their own context, ‘slightly stretched’, in the words of Frantz Fanon, they created their own decolonial communist traditions. Traditions that can be placed in an older, larger history of resistance against colonialism and slavery. Yet these links are seldom mentioned today. After WW2, communists in the Global South were suppressed by a global campaign, led by the United States, that killed millions. During this evening, we will resurrect the lessons that these campaigns tried to bury. Are these lessons still relevant for decolonial struggles today? Join us for a talk with a wide variety of researchers and activists who will shed light on decolonial Marxism.
Full program and speakers, visit the website of Pakhuis de Zwijger