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Borders vs. Bodies
20 november 2023 @ 20:00 - 22:00

In this three-part Designing Cities for All: RE-generation series RE-imagining Borders, DCFA Fellows Joris Lechêne and Lucia Kula delve into the concept of made-up boundaries, borders and binaries, and their implications in the world. How does thinking in dualisms influence our public spaces, systems and (hi)stories? Where does the concept of the (literal or metaphorical) border originate from, and who has the power to install and enforce them? And why is it so important to break away from this simplistic worldview?
The third and last episode of this series looks into the Borders vs. Bodies dichotomy. The borders that we are born within or outside of, follow us around for the rest of our lives, be it through for instance dehumanisation of refugees, apartheid or fortress conservation. We string along our nationalities and other parts of our identities – and they result in either privilege or persecution.