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Fite Qlub Festival!
7 december 2024 @ 13:00 - 8 december 2024 @ 04:00

Fite Qlub Festival x Live Exhibition in honouring the 5 years celebrating of Fite Qlub.
The long awaiting event is coming up: Fite Qlub Festival!! This edition will be special because it will celebrate the 5-year anniversary. With Live Performances, an Exhibition and including a play party.
We start the day with workshops to warm up the space accompanied by a community diner. In de evening we will host a film screening and the live exhibition with our partners. They will tell story about their involvement with Fite Qlub. And in the night, we will shake our booties and spice the spaces with juice and sexiness. So cum and get your early bird tickets!
Sorab:”It was a personal journey that started 5 years ago. Transitioning, treating trauma’s and finding out who you are was quite a journey.” Through the organisation, Sorab made spaces designed for BIPOC Queer & Trans folx to co-exist next to each other and learn from one and other how to celebrate our existence and liberate our body and mind from colonial heritage.
“I know we are not there yet. But we set little steps for individuals to celebrate their existence through workshops, panels, and play parties. Throuhout this events we want to create a movement for and by the community. And yes, we make mistakes. We admit it. I admit it. But that’s how we learn and find new ways to create a braver space for transformation. So cum and celebrate with us this milestone and bring friends, lovers and partners along!”
🍉BIPOC centered space
🍉No cis men policy
🍉Tickets via Instagram
Location: Akhnaton, Nieuwezijdskolk 25, Amsterdam