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Indigenous Liberation Day
12 oktober 2023 @ 20:00 - 23:00

Land Back: Undoing the Doctrine of Discovery.
In relation to October 12th, we are organising the yearly Indigenous Liberation Day in the run-up to the solidarity march and demonstration on October 14th. During this event, we will have cultural performances, panels and international speakers joining us. Together we’ll reflect upon the day that Columbus invaded Abya Yala (the American continent) in 1492. A date that marks the symbolic beginning of European colonialism. Resulting in the breakdown of the right to self-determination, identity and culture of Indigenous People worldwide. Indigenous land defenders are still displaced and killed; rivers and the environment are being polluted; and land is being colonised for large multinationals. The result is the current climate crisis. Therefore, it is time for reparations, justice and decolonisation! This festival offers a platform for reparatory perspectives on the climate crisis, inter-generational healing, cultural values and solidarity. One of the central themes for this year will be about returning land to Indigenous People and ending the unlawful and ongoing ‘Doctrine of Discovery’.