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Indigenous Liberation Day: March and 1492 People’s Tribunal
14 oktober 2023 @ 13:00 - 17:00

On October 14th we march in solidarity with Indigenous Peoples against ongoing colonization to keep accountable colonial companies, governments and institutions.
Start of March: Dam Square, Amsterdam – 14:00-15:00
1492 People’s Tribunal & Mapu ceremonie: Kop van Java (Javakade 201, Amsterdam)- 15:00-17:00
On October 14th we organized a day of protest including; a solidarity march, Mapu commemoration and solidarity ceremony and a 1492 people’s tribunal including cultural performances. Together we commemorate the day Columbus invaded Abya Yala (the American continent) in 1492. A date that marks the symbolic beginning of European colonialism. A process that has institutionalised genocide, slavery and ecocide worldwide. As a result, the right to self-determination, identity and culture of Indigenous People’s is still under pressure. Indigenous land defenders are displaced and killed; rivers and environment polluted; and land expropriated for the profit of large multinationals. The result is the current climate crisis. Therefore, it is time for reparatory justice and decolonisation! This day of protest offers a platform to critical perspectives on the climate crisis, healing, cultural values, and solidarity.
More information about speakers, entities hold on trial and program will follow via social media:
In the run-up to the day of protest we also organize an evening at Pakhuis de Zwijger on october 12th with panels, cultural performances and break-out sessions. More information and reservations can be found here: https://dezwijger.nl/progr…/indigenous-liberation-day-2023
14:00-15:00 Solidarity March (Dam to Java)
15:00-15:20 Mapu Opening Ceremony
15:20-17:00 The 1491 People’s Tribunal
14:00-15:00 Solidarity March (Dam to Java)
15:00-15:20 Mapu Opening Ceremony
15:20-17:00 The 1491 People’s Tribunal
Part I – 14:00-15:00 From Dam Square to Java Plein, Amsterdam
During the Indigenous Solidarity March, we walk, sing and remember our strength as Indigenous Peoples. We are all in solidarity with Indigenous Peoples around the world. Together we reflect upon the day that Columbus invaded Abya Yala (the American continent) in 1492. A date that marks the symbolic beginning of European colonialism.
During the Indigenous Solidarity March, we walk, sing and remember our strength as Indigenous Peoples. We are all in solidarity with Indigenous Peoples around the world. Together we reflect upon the day that Columbus invaded Abya Yala (the American continent) in 1492. A date that marks the symbolic beginning of European colonialism.
Feel free to bring your protest Banners, cultural clothing, protest songs and instruments. We encourage Indigenous diaspora to walk in front of the march.
Part II – 15:00-15:20 Mapu commemoration and solidarity ceremony
After the Indigenous Solidarity March, we have the Mapu ceremony, for commemoration and solidarity. According to the Indigenous philosophy, we work with the four wind directions and the cycle of life to mourn, to celebrate and to pass on knowledge to the future generations.
After the Indigenous Solidarity March, we have the Mapu ceremony, for commemoration and solidarity. According to the Indigenous philosophy, we work with the four wind directions and the cycle of life to mourn, to celebrate and to pass on knowledge to the future generations.
Part III – 15:20 the 1492 People’s Tribunal
With the 1492 People’s Tribunal we will have a community-led court to put colonizers from the past and the present on trial. This 1492 People’s Tribunal offers a platform for reparatory perspectives on the climate crisis, inter-generational healing, cultural values, and solidarity.
With the 1492 People’s Tribunal we will have a community-led court to put colonizers from the past and the present on trial. This 1492 People’s Tribunal offers a platform for reparatory perspectives on the climate crisis, inter-generational healing, cultural values, and solidarity.
Background Indigenous Liberation Day:
Indigenous Liberation Day is a yearly recurring event organized by Indigenous Liberation Movement where different diaspora and solidarity organizations mobilize and organize events surrounding ongoing colonization, reparations, healing and solidarity with Indigenous People’s worldwide. More information can be found below:
Indigenous Liberation Day is a yearly recurring event organized by Indigenous Liberation Movement where different diaspora and solidarity organizations mobilize and organize events surrounding ongoing colonization, reparations, healing and solidarity with Indigenous People’s worldwide. More information can be found below: