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We Sell Reality: Memorial 3
9 december 2023 @ 19:00 - 20:00

Join us for ‘Memorial 3: Space, Time & Death – In the Silence of the Cosmic Winds’ the third of a series of memorials organized by art collective We Sell Reality within the framework of Refresh 2: War & Conflict set up by the Amsterdam Museum and many different partners in the city. The series of memorials are initiated to come together and process the impact of war, conflict and violence.
The third memorial will be dedicated to the journey that people must undergo when they flee their houses, their country, or maybe even the continent. Our thoughts go out to all the people who are crossing the endless deserts, the ones who fall into the hands of corrupt human traffickers, who are subjected to slavery and who risk their lives while crossing the Mediterranean sea. We want to commemorate all those people who didn’t make it. Our friends and family members who have died along the way. They have names, they had dreams. We also want to create a moment for all those people who did make it. Often they have seen too much and carry around a burden of trauma. We wish for them the possibility to heal.
Let’s come together, to share our feelings, to think collectively about what we can do from here, to hold each other.
Amsterdam Museum
Aan de Amstel