Entering the era of UNLEARNING
Much of what we believe is shaped by a singular system of learning, one that has privileged some while marginalising others. This has impacted our relationships, connections, and self-perceptions, leaving[...]
Much of what we believe is shaped by a singular system of learning, one that has privileged some while marginalising others. This has impacted our relationships, connections, and self-perceptions, leaving[...]
De Verenigde Naties (VN) heeft 15 maart tot de Internationale dag ter bestrijding van islamofobie uitgeroepen. Aanleiding voor deze keuze is dat op 15 maart 2018 de extreemrechtse terrorist Brenton[...]
The Black Archives Bijlmer Book Club van start is gegaan. In 2024 worden 11 boeken besproken met extra aandacht voor verschillende diaspora’s en nationaliteiten. Met vaste thematiek en genres. Er[...]
Workshop! Police tech, racialised criminalisation and community organising: unpacking the use of new technologies that criminalise racialised people and exploring organising strategies to push back against police tech. Cameras on[...]
Kom naar de Week tegen Racisme in Pakhuis, van 18 t/m 23 Maart 2024! Het is precies 6 jaar geleden dat de samenwerking tussen Comité 21 maart en Pakhuis de[...]
De relatie tussen interlandelijke en interraciale adoptie en identiteit vraagt om een intersectionele benadering, waarin zowel de culturele dimensie als het perspectief van antiracisme geïntegreerd worden. Dit is belangrijk om[...]
A panel conversation and talk about the need for LGBTIQ+ rights and inclusion in Dutch football culture. Despite the Netherlands’ reputation as a model country with regards to LGBTIQ+ rights,[...]
Understanding injustice through the lens of the caste system: exploring how identity, culture and economy relate to caste and racism. This panel seeks to foreground caste as an overarching framework[...]
Our stories and our voices translated in spoken word, rap and dance. The DomiKnow presents an evening of spoken word, rap and dance performed by artists from communities that have[...]
How can the recognition and integration of Indigenous perspectives strengthen today’s diversity, equity and inclusion initiatives? Indigenous communities have a long history of enduring systemic injustices, notably highlighted by the[...]
What is the impact of racism and colourism within the queer and trans community? And how can we identify, fight and dismantle established and internalised racist ideas? Let’s review together[...]
Vanuit persoonlijke pijn naar collectief verzet door dans, tekst en muziek. ‘Poetic Resistance’, oftewel dichterlijk verzet. In deze workshop ga je onder begeleiding van Alydia Wever, Julien Ignacio en Mark[...]