Hui-Hui van PAC opende ons event ‘Samen aan Tafel voor Mensenrechten, op 10 december 2023:

“10 December: Human Rights Day. We celebrate, but with the present election results, we are aware that we should make it even more a daily matter, in everything we do. This election outcome makes our work even more relevant. Being an Alliance against Racism and Discrimination, we already know the stories that tell the contrary, racism is around. So we need to keep on focussing on human rights, which involves sharing stories and engaging in dialogues that highlight everyone’s right to be recognized as human.

Human Rights is not a concept, it is a practice. Being seen as a human is a fundamental right.

As an Alliance we work with a variety of partners to support these rights and our aim is to prevent division. We want to uphold our common humanity. Our tools include expanding knowledge, telling people where to go for support, organize initiatives such as the ‘Week Against Racism’ and other events. Collaborations with other organizations is ongoing and we are backed by a resourceful knowledge bank on our website next year.

Our programs are practical steps toward promoting and implementing Human Rights. Human Rights should be a part of our daily experiences. By working together, we find the strength in our diversity, which is key to collective progress as a society.”

Samen aan Tafel voor Mensenrechten in Sexyland

We hadden een cultureel programma met muziek van Afro Grooves en Amsterdam City Rights, spoken word en poezie van Joana Cavaco, Sobhi Kathib, Sandra Pham en heerlijk eten van Sexyland. Dank allen voor jullie komst! Het was een mooie middag met alle aanwezigen, de betrokken burgers, activisten en initiatieven. Samen staan we sterk, ook de komende periode.

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